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Neighbours Episode Guide: 4960-4984

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Episode 4960
Network Ten: 05/05/2006
BBC: 28/07/2006
UK Gold: 14/03/2008

Written by Chris Hollow
Directed by Chris Adshead
Guest stars
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain

Black Eyed Pleased
Stingray is busted for driving under the influence, and the disaster only makes the struggle against his feelings for Rachel more difficult. Terrified of losing her, the Timmins family fight to dissuade Bree from finding her real parents.

Episode 4961
Network Ten: 08/05/2006
BBC: 31/07/2006
UK Gold: 14/03/2008

Written by Katrina Foster
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain

Susan gives Stingray a heartbreaking ultimatum. Paul's fine print drives a wedge between Lyn and Steph. Bree closes the door on finding her real parents. Janelle's proposed bridal party guarantees friction.

Episode 4962
Network Ten: 09/05/2006
BBC: 01/08/2006
UK Gold: 15/03/2008

Written by Ben Marshall
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Sean Dempster: Colin MacPherson

Better Watch Yourself
Robert finds two very good reasons to commit murder. Stingray is pressured into breaking Rachel's heart. Katya faces a nightmare from her past. Zeke tries to keep his friendship with Karl a secret. Paul and Izzy find time to laugh at Karl's expense.

Episode 4963
Network Ten: 10/05/2006
BBC: 02/08/2006
UK Gold: 17/03/2008

Written by John Hanlon
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy

Sky Anxiety
Robert's removal of Sean has the desired effect on Paul, while Katya continues to fall for her perfect man. Carmella is missing, but will private-eye Connor take the case? Self-destructive Sky becomes a party-girl. Izzy objects to Paul spoiling Elle.

Episode 4964
Network Ten: 11/05/2006
BBC: 03/08/2006
UK Gold: 17/03/2008

Written by Graham Hartley
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister

Boyd makes the ultimate gesture of love to Janae. Dylan gets wise to Kim's DVD business - and wants in. Karl tries unsuccessfully to reclaim his expensive watch. Janae and Janelle brawl over wedding fashions.

Episode 4965
Network Ten: 12/05/2006
BBC: 04/08/2006
UK Gold: 18/03/2008

Written by Michael O'Rourke
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy
Jenny McKenna: Carrie Barr

Ain't Mishka-Having
Janae considers Boyd's proposal before coming to a painful decision. Karl and Jenny's commitment is put to the test. Connor makes a shocking discovery about missing Carmella.

Episode 4966
Network Ten: 15/05/2006
BBC: 07/08/2006
UK Gold: 18/03/2008

Written by Hamish Cameron
Directed by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guest stars
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Carmella Cammeniti: Natalie Blair

The Unrighteous Brothers
Janae's love for Boyd wins through and she says 'yes' - to Janelle's delight and Max's horror. Sky and Stingray find comfort in each other in a most unexpected way. Connor discovers Carmella living an extraordinary new life.

Episode 4967
Network Ten: 16/05/2006
BBC: 08/08/2006
UK Gold: 19/03/2008

Written by Helen MacWhirter
Directed by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guest stars
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Robert/Cameron Double: Richard Swanson

Grizzle While You Work
Harold busts Sky and Stingray's unexpected night of romance. Sky climbs out of the doldrums by taking on a new job with Elle. Reckless Stingray loses his one chance at happiness. Katya's contentment promises to be short lived.

Block reference: Sky tells Elle the boiled egg remover is "Item 994".

Episode 4968
Network Ten: 17/05/2006
BBC: 09/08/2006
UK Gold: 19/03/2008

Written by Stuart Gaunt
Directed by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guest stars
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Rose Belker: Esme Melville

The Shame Of The Rose
Unwitting Katya comes dangerously close to discovering the real Cameron. Elle's negligence puts Oscar in peril. Lyn makes a bold business decision. Zeke seeks counsel in the ancient art of lip-locking.

Episode 4969
Network Ten: 18/05/2006
BBC: 10/08/2006
UK Gold: 20/03/2008

Written by Judith Colquhoun
Directed by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guest stars
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy

There's A New Kid In Gown
Lou fears there is a dark secret behind Mishka's wildcat behaviour. The sight of Janae in a wedding dress brings reality home for Janelle. Charlie's naming day reunites Lyn and Steph, and brings Susan and Karl closer.

Episode 4970
Network Ten: 19/05/2006
BBC: 11/08/2006
UK Gold: 20/03/2008

Written by Piet Collins
Directed by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guest stars
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy
Carmella Cammeniti: Natalie Blair
Jenny McKenna: Carrie Barr
Michelle Craig: Romy Wiseman
Sister Mary Ignatius: Sue Broberg

Bubble Indemnity
Connor pleads with Carmella not to join the sisterhood. Bree gives Kim a wake-up call on his DVD business. Mishka confesses a troubled past to Lou. Karl is confronted when Jenny defines his role in their relationship.

Episode 4971
Network Ten: 22/05/2006
BBC: 14/08/2006
UK Gold: 21/03/2008

Written by Anthony Morris
Directed by Gary Conway
Guest stars
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy
Mikhail Irtenev: Christopher Billy
Sonya Leskov: Olga Krasser
Alec Blake: Dan Schumann

Union Of Social Soviets
Robert concocts proof that Izzy is trying to seduce him. Lou tries his best to go Russian. Elle wickedly pranks Harold. Ned thinks he's discovered a child genius in Oscar.

Note: Ned Parker did not appear in this episode.

Episode 4972
Network Ten: 23/05/2006
BBC: 15/08/2006
UK Gold: 21/03/2008

Written by Linda Stainton
Directed by Gary Conway
Guest stars
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Robert/Cameron Robinson: Adam Hunter
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Carmella Cammeniti: Natalie Blair

Interview With A Vamp Liar
Unforgiving Paul throws innocent Izzy onto the street. Izzy realises with shock that 'Cam' is her true enemy. Karl takes over more of the fathering with Zeke. Toadie comes back from holidays to discover Sister Carmella in residence.

Episode 4973
Network Ten: 24/05/2006
BBC: 16/08/2006
UK Gold: 22/03/2008

Written by Drew Tingwell
Directed by Gary Conway
Guest stars
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Carmella Cammeniti: Natalie Blair
Jenny McKenna: Carrie Barr
Photographer: Marjan Klemen

The Pirate Life For Me
Kim tries to protect Dylan from himself but his efforts fall on deaf ears. Susan attacks Karl for letting Zeke down. Connor and Carmella put themselves in temptation's way when they head out for a night on the town. Janelle turns into Bridezilla.

Episode 4974
Network Ten: 25/05/2006
BBC: 17/08/2006
UK Gold: 24/03/2008

Written by Martin McKenna
Directed by Gary Conway
Guest stars
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy

Tools' Paradise
Max contrives a devious plot to break up Janae and Boyd. Kim's ill-gotten gains are stolen, but is the thief actually close to home? Stingray is concerned for Rachel's wellbeing when she accepts a date from a boy her own age.

Episode 4975
Network Ten: 26/05/2006
BBC: 18/08/2006
UK Gold: 24/03/2008

Written by Katrina Foster
Directed by Gary Conway
Guest stars
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey

The Bleat Goes On
Susan and Karl unite when a symbol of their old lives passes away. Paul turns to Lyn in his hour of need. An image change helps Sky find her true self. Boyd and Janae play nice to annoy Max. Rachel vows to move on from Stingray at any cost.

Episode 4976
Network Ten: 29/05/2006
BBC: 21/08/2006
UK Gold: 25/03/2008

Written by Sarah Mayberry
Directed by Tony Osicka
Guest stars
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Caremella Cammeniti: Natalie Blair
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy

A Card Daze Night
Susan is frightened to realize she might be falling for Karl again. With his P.I. career at a standstill, Connor desperately needs new direction. Unaware of his fibs, ruthless Mishka coaches Lou in card sharping.

Episode 4977
Network Ten: 30/05/2006
BBC: 22/08/2006
UK Gold: 25/03/2008

Written by John Hanlon
Directed by Tony Osicka
Guest stars
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Robert/Cameron Robinson: Adam Hunter
Caremella Cammeniti: Natalie Blair
Jenny McKenna: Carrie Barr
Sister Mary Ignatius: Sue Broberg

Symmetry For The Devil
Connor uncovers the real Cameron - and seals his own doom. Carmella commits her life to God. Karl has to choose between Jenny and Erinsborough. Sky can't quite keep her inner-artist at bay. Elle uses Paul to help her reach her sales target.

Episode 4978
Network Ten: 31/05/2006
BBC: 23/08/2006
UK Gold: 26/03/2008

Written by Jeff Truman
Directed by Tony Osicka
Guest stars
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Robert/Cameron Robinson: Adam Hunter
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain
Angie Rebecchi: Lesley Baker
Big Kev Rebecchi: Don Bridges
Sister Josephine: Joanne Davis
Robert/Cameron Double: Richard Swanson
Miss Nova: Lauren Lourdes
Grant Freedman: Adam Wells

Every Which Way But Bruce
Izzy gets a frightening glimpse of the real Robert - but Paul refuses to see the danger. Janelle's dream re-wedding looks like being derailed by bucks party madness. Susan re-thinks her feelings for Karl. Stingray fights the urge to drink.

Episode 4979
Network Ten: 01/06/2006
BBC: 24/08/2006
UK Gold: 26/03/2008

Written by Elizabeth Packett
Directed by Tony Osicka
Guest stars
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Kim Timmins: Brett Swain
Angie Rebecchi: Lesley Baker
Big Kev Rebecchi: Don Bridges
Snr. Sgt. Allan Steiger: Joe Clements
Doreen Chatterly: Marita Wilcox

Run For Your Wife
The long arm of the law collars Kim at the nuptials. Max launches a tirade against Boyd's would be in-laws. Stingray thanks Rachel for her brave efforts to save the day.

Block reference: Steiger says "We're gonna need back up. Call car 996."

Episode 4980
Network Ten: 02/06/2006
BBC: 25/08/2006
UK Gold: 27/03/2008

Written by Scott Taylor
Directed by Tony Osicka
Guest stars
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy
Garrett Burns: Sebastian Gregory

Fool's Russian In
Max threatens to throw Boyd out if he doesn't abandon the wedding plans. Susan convinces Rachel to give her date a fair chance. Mishka sets Harold in her sightes in order to punish Lou. Ned and Karl have another bite at fame's cherry.

Episode 4981
Network Ten: 05/06/2006
BBC: 28/08/2006
UK Gold: 27/03/2008

Written by Drew Proffitt
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor
Snr. Sgt. Allan Steiger: Joe Clements
Deidre McNair: Phillippa Adegemis
Letitia McNair: Shelley Krape

Sing A Song Of Sick Pants
Janelle sacrifices herself for Dylan. Boyd and Janae defy their parents and go it alone. Lyn wonders whether Paul has placed her in his romantic sites - and she is not opposed to it!

Episode 4982
Network Ten: 06/06/2006
BBC: 29/08/2006
UK Gold: 28/03/2008

Written by Ben Marshall
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Cameron/Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Cameron/Robert Double: Richard Swanson
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman

Wham Bam Thank You Cam
Robert plants a bomb on Elle's car. Cameron wakes up from his coma. Izzy uncovers the recorded conversations Robert re-edited. Janae and Boyd settle in at Number Thirty, and Toadie is more than happy to exploit them.

Episode 4983
Network Ten: 07/06/2006
BBC: 30/08/2006
UK Gold: 28/03/2008

Written by Chris Hollow
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Cameron/Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Ned Parker: Daniel O'Connor

Can't Get You Out Of My Bed
Cameron is framed for his brother's crimes. Toadie is shocked by Susan's overprotective attitude to Katya. Paul reveals to Harold that his son destroyed Harold's happiness.

Episode 4984
Network Ten: 08/06/2006
BBC: 31/08/2006
UK Gold: 29/03/2008

Written by Michael O'Rourke
Directed by Jet Wilkinson
Guest stars
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Mishka Schneiderova: Deborah Kennedy
Garrett Burns: Sebastian Gregory
Mikhail Irtenev: Christopher Billy

Yawn Of The Dead
Bree's anger at Kim revives her desire to search for her biological family. Stingray finds it impossible to stay out of Rachel's life. Mishka urges Sky to fight for Dylan. Mishka and Lou brew up a new scheme, literally. Inventor Steph gets a big head.

Block reference: Lou and Mishka's vodka is called 'OLD 997'

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